I´m back home

 normalerweise schreibe ich ja auf deutsch, heute aber mal ein paar Worte auf englisch…

This is a big THANK YOU to everyone I met on my journey.

The german guy on his first bike-journey from Ulm back home
the canadian nurse traveling  through europe on a bike
the cupple from Wien I met on the “Erntedankfest”
the woman from britan I met in Bratislava
the guy from London on his way to India (I promise I will post a link to your blog onece I find it)
the guy from Münster on the way to Istanbul
the three guys from berlin (I think you already found your way back home, hopefully)
the group of 20 people skating from Linz to Budapest
and the US guy I met in Bratislava and on the ferry close to Budapest on his way to Bucarest.

Good luck and a safe trip to those that are still traveling please give me a reply once you finished.

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